These terms of use form the basis upon which you are entitled to access this website. If you do not agree with the contents of this statement, please do not use this website.
We cannot guarantee that the website will be continually online due as we may need to carry out maintenance of the site and servers from time to time, we shall however attempt to keep disruptions to a minimum. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that its website or any linked to it are free from computer virus software or any other harmful computer programs. It is your responsibility to ensure you are using virus checking software.
We are not liable for any direct, indirect, or consequential loss incurred by any user as a result of using, or the inability to use, our website, or any connected to it. This is includes the following:
and for any other loss of any kind.
We are not responsible for any mistakes, typographical errors, or omissions in these adverts, including, but not limited to the following:
We accept no responsibility for keeping website pages up to date, or any failure to do so and reserve the right to alter any service the website provides at any time without notice.
Although we will endeavour to keep everything as accurate as we can, we are unable to guarantee that images on the site are accurate. We do not give any guarantees, express or implied, in any way as to the accuracy of any information on the site. We do not guarantee the completeness of any search results. Material on our website is for information purposes only and is not intended to be taken for sound advice. You should not rely on any material to make, or refrain from making any decisions, or take, or refrain from taking, any action.
We are not responsible for any problems with warranties, finance, break down cover, insurance, advertising, sales or any associated business we work with to process your enquiry. It is the responsibility of the service provider or supplier to ensure the accuracy of their information and quality of product and service.
We are not responsible for any services provided by third-party businesses. It is the customer's responsibility to thoroughly verify all details and conduct due diligence before entering into any financial agreement with a third-party associate. We strongly recommend that customers: Carefully review all terms and conditions of any financial agreement. Ensure they are fully satisfied with the reliability and credibility of the third party. Avoid transferring any ownership documents until they have received the full agreed-upon payment as outlined in the financial agreement. By proceeding with a third-party service, the customer acknowledges that any issues or disputes arising from the transaction are outside our liability.
Written for entertainment purposes only. Views and opinions expressed are those of the individual alone and do not represent the views of our company, its employees, or any of its affiliates.
All trade marks, names and logos are owned and licensed by ourselves or our affiliates. Nothing in this document confers on you, in any way, any licence or right under any trade marks, names, or logos.
Unless otherwise acknowledged by us, all proprietary and other intellectual property rights (including any copyright, trade mark, design right and database right) in this website, belong to us. We grant to you, a non-exclusive, royalty free licence to access this website from a single computer at any one time, subject to these terms of use. We strictly prohibit any scraping, cloning or copying of our website content. Any attempt to do so will be vigorously defended and deemed as a breach of copyright.
To use parts of our website you may need to provide personal details. You agree that you will provide accurate, truthful information. All information supplied to us will be protected and used in accordance with the terms in our privacy policy. By using our website and any of its services you agree that you will only use our services for your own personal use.
You may not, without prior written consent from our company, do any of the following: i) copy, adapt, store or distribute our website ii) redistribute or resell our website; iii) make any attempt whatsoever to reverse compile, re-engineer, hack or crack any part of our website iii) use our website in a manner, which is not strictly in accordance with accepted internet usage standards and protocols. You must not use or attempt to use any automated program including, without limitation, any spider or other web crawler, to access our system or our website, or to search, copy, monitor, display or obtain links to any other part of this website. Obtaining access to any part of our system or our website by means of any such automated programs is strictly forbidden.
Any implied licence to access this website or its content by way of hypertext link, deep-linking, tagging or framing is explicitly revoked. No party (including you) shall be entitled (nor shall you assist others) to set up links from any third party websites to this website.
This website may contain hypertext links to third party websites. Such hypertext links are provided for reference purposes only. We do not control or operate these websites, and shall not be responsible for their content. The inclusion of any hypertext links within this website shall not under any circumstances imply any such endorsement by us of the material on any such websites being linked too.
These terms of use shall be governed by the laws of England and you shall submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts. If any of these terms are determined to be illegal, invalid or otherwise unenforceable by reason of the laws of any state or country in which these terms are intended to be effective, then to the extent and within the jurisdiction in which that term is illegal, invalid or unenforceable, it shall be severed and deleted from these terms and the remaining terms shall survive, remain in full force and effect and continue to be binding and enforceable.
We are not responsible for any problems with warranties, finance, break down cover, or insurance. It is the responsibility of the service provider or supplier to ensure the accuracy of their information and quality of product and service.
Within our site we allow our Approved Suppliers access to sell items in our Online Shop. We cannot guarantee the truth, accuracy or legality of listings or the ability of sellers to sell items. These items will clearly be indicated by the sellers details on the advert and checkout process. Any payments that are made in this process will go direct to our supplier, thus your contract of sale is with them and may be subject to their standard terms and conditions / returns policy. We encourage you to communicate directly with potential transaction partners and you may also wish to consider using a third-party escrow service or services that provide additional user verification. You agree that our site contains items for sale from our approved suppliers and as such we are not responsible or liable for any content, for example, data, text, information, usernames, graphics, images, photographs, profiles, audio, video, items, and links posted by our third parties on our website. YOU USE OUR APPROVED SUPPLIERS SERVICE AT YOUR OWN RISK AND AGREE THAT THE SITE HAS PROVIDED YOU WITH A FAIR KNOWLEDGE OF ANY RISKS. WE ARE NOT ENTERING INTO A CONTRACT OF SALE OR AGREEMENT TO SUPPLY WITH YOU, THAT LIES WITH THE APPROVED SELLER. We, for the benefit of users, may try to help users resolve disputes. We do so in our sole discretion, and we have no obligation to resolve disputes between our users or between users and outside parties. To the extent that we attempt to resolve a dispute, we will do so in good faith based solely on our policies. In the event we involve ourselves in a dispute between customers, you expressly waive and release us (and our officers, directors, agents, subsidiaries, joint ventures and employees) from any and all claims, demands and damages (actual and consequential) of every kind and nature, known and unknown, suspected and unsuspected, disclosed and undisclosed, arising out of or in any way connected with the dispute.
If you choose to use our website you will be deemed to be in agreement with all of our terms and conditions. We reserve the right to alter any of our terms and conditions at any time. It is your responsibility to check for any alterations or updates, which shall be shown on this page. If you use the website after any changes then we shall deem you to have accepted any and all changes made.
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